About Me

Hi! I’m Lee Griffin. Thanks for stopping by.

I’m a scientist by trade and philosophy. While my degree is in computer science, I’ve also been studying mathematics, theoretical physics and cosmology for almost 30 years. I am by no means an expert on those subjects, but I’m pretty familiar with them. I’m also somewhat familiar with other branches of science such as biology, chemistry, psychology and sociology.

I’ve spent my entire life learning–I enjoy learning more than anything else. I pride myself on knowing a little bit about almost everything. I’m certainly no guru on everything; quite the opposite in fact. I want to learn about everything. But, over the years, I’ve amassed a body of knowledge that many people will never achieve.

I started this blog because I’m seeing increasingly that people are not thinking logically, rationally and reasonably (by that I mean using reason). There are a growing number of hucksters out there, pushing stuff over on people and they don’t have the critical thinking skills necessary to realize they are being duped. I’ve seen many examples of things that are presented as “science” but are pseudo-science. There are even esteemed scientists who are presenting ideas as though they were scientific theories but are in fact only conjecture. I will be trying to address “wrong” thinking and “wrong” presentation of ideas.

Another thing that I’m seeing increasingly is religious extremism. Now, I don’t mean just the kind of extremism as seen in the Middle East. I also mean some of the things going on in the United States such as opposition to Gay/Lesbian marriage or shootings at clinics that provide abortion services. I’m an agnostic, but more than that, I’m a “militant” agnostic. That means, “I don’t know and you don’t either.” So, I will often be addressing religious topics as they are rife with “wrong” thinking.

Often, I will offend readers, perhaps everyone who reads my blog. However, offending is not my intent. I don’t intend to change anyone’s mind, either. What I want to accomplish is to get people to think, really think about their positions and what they believe. I want them to apply logic and reason rather than emotion and irrationality. If you can do that and still retain your beliefs, then so much the better. At least I got you to think about it.

That’s my goal–to get people to think.